
Built-in social logins and authentication

No need to reinvent the wheel for every social login service.

Embed social logins in your applications, with a few clicks.

Global social services

Add social sign-in and sign-up options with the click of a button.

apple auth login icon
huawei auth login icon
kakao auth login icon
facebook auth login icon
naver auth login icon
google auth login icon
x auth login icon
wechat auth login icon
qq auth login icon
line auth login icon


Provide logins with social accounts, email address, and guest mode. View login information and manage accounts on the dashboard.

Sign-up agreement

Have users read the application's service agreement and proceed after agreement.

Ready-to-use APIs

Simple, quick integration put developers on fast track.

Explore documentation

Enterprise logins

Support for SAML, Azure. More enterprise providers and SSO coming soon.

Social login scopes

Request additional user data permissions when using social logins.

  // Sign up with email
  const { user, error } = await nbase.auth.signUp({
    email: '',
    password: 'example-password',

  // Sign in with email
  const { user, error } = await nbase.auth.signIn({
    email: '',
    password: 'example-password',

  // Sign in with GitHub
  // And request extra permissions!
  const { user, error } = await nbase.auth.signIn({
    provider: 'github',
  }, {
    scopes: 'repo gist notifications'

Libraries and examples

Development guides for easy integration.

Social login for Unity

Allow gamers to sign up and play with their favorite social accounts

Social login for Unreal

Allow gamers to sign up and play with their favorite social accounts

Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine
View code

Social login for JavaScript

Embed login and authentication with JavaScript on applications

View code

ReactJS realtime chat app

Example app of real-time messaging built with Nbase chat API

Social login for iOS

Enable login and authentication with social accounts on any iOS app

Social login for Android

Enable login and authentication with social accounts on any Android app

View code

Social login for Unity

Allow gamers to sign up and play with their favorite social accounts

Social login for Unreal

Allow gamers to sign up and play with their favorite social accounts

Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine
View code

Social login for JavaScript

Embed login and authentication with JavaScript on applications

View code

ReactJS realtime chat app

Example app of real-time messaging built with Nbase chat API

Social login for iOS

Enable login and authentication with social accounts on any iOS app

Social login for Android

Enable login and authentication with social accounts on any Android app

View code

Social login for Unity

Allow gamers to sign up and play with their favorite social accounts

Social login for Unreal

Allow gamers to sign up and play with their favorite social accounts

Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine
View code

Same functionality, different platforms

Quickly embed the auth feature on whichever platform you use. Nbase makes cross-development easy.

Explore documentation
-- 1. Create table
create table profiles (
  id serial primary key,
  name text

-- 2. Enable RLS
alter table profiles enable row level security;

-- 3. Create Policy
create policy "Public profiles are viewable by everyone." 
on profiles for select 
using ( true );
-- 1. Create table
create table profiles (
  id serial primary key,
  name text

-- 2. Enable RLS
alter table profiles enable row level security;

-- 3. Create Policy
create policy "Users can update their own profiles." 
on profiles for update 
using ( auth.uid() = id );
create table teams (
  id serial primary key,
  name text

create table members (
  team_id references,
  user_id referenced

alter table teams enable row level security;

-- Create Advanced Policies
create policy "Team members can update team details"
on teams
for update using (
  auth.uid() in ( 
    select user_id from members 
    where team_id = id 
create table teams (
  id serial primary key,
  name text

create table members (
  team_id references,
  user_id referenced

alter table teams enable row level security;

-- Create Advanced Policies
create policy "Team members can update team details"
on teams
for update using (
  auth.uid() in ( 
    select user_id from members 
    where team_id = id 
create table teams (
  id serial primary key,
  name text

create table members (
  team_id references,
  user_id referenced

alter table teams enable row level security;

-- Create Advanced Policies
create policy "Team members can update team details"
on teams
for update using (
  auth.uid() in ( 
    select user_id from members 
    where team_id = id 

Your Application

Let's sign in!

Social login

No more repetitive works.

Embed any social auths in your application in minutes.




Supercharge your application